Securing Your Operation by Switching to Android Powered Devices

Windows OS devices are reaching the end of their life cycle. This means Microsoft will no longer be providing technical support for security threats, bug fixes or address any other potential problems. Without any future updates, specifically security updates, it creates an opportunity for malicious actors.
Thankfully Android OS systems have emerged as the leading replacement for these now out-of-date devices. Devices like Zebra’s MC930B-GSEDG4NA Mobile Handheld Computer don’t just offer upgraded durability and functionality from existing tools, they offer Android’s security from external threats.
The Danger Facing Your Facility with Windows OS
Going without security updates, warehouses that continue to use Windows OS systems will be exposed to an ever-growing list of threats and vulnerabilities. Many of the older Windows OS devices are already unprepared for the security challenges of today. As hackers discover and begin to exploit deficiencies, companies using these systems could face serious production problems. Devices may stop working or you may have your data stolen, either of which would impact your company’s operational performance and bottom line. Don’t wait until your system is breached!
Android Security Assurance
For years now, Android has deployed a steady stream of security enhancements, such as NSA “Security Enhanced†features, per-users VPN, and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).
Android continues to supply regular security updates and patches more rapidly than any other operating system, including updates to Zebra devices. Android OS devices boast plentiful built-in security features that include data security, app security, and device security.
Secure Your Operations Today
Switching from Windows OS devices to Android can be simple when you partner with Barcodes, Inc. Our team members are experienced experts at migrating operations to the next advancement in technology.
If you are ready to start protecting your team, reach out to us online or give us a call at 1-800-351-9962! You will be amazed at how seamless the switch can be with the right partner.