Star’s SK1-21 Kiosk Printer: Improve Your Cinema Experience

Posted November 3, 2017

Besides the movie that you are going to watch, the ticketing system are integral to the cinema experience as well. Kiosks can be used to purchase tickets, retrieve tickets bought online, and to place concession orders. This is especially important for movie goers who arrive with just a few minutes to spare. They can bypass the line to purchase tickets or snacks and still make it in time before the movie starts.

Kiosk Printer

To make sure your cinema kiosk is reaching its full potential by considering these 4 things:

1. Your Kiosk should support a thermal printer- A cinema kiosk should support a heavy duty thermal printer with a jam free system to produce tickets in the fastest way. Star’s SK1-21 Kiosk Printer two inch series provides dependable, maintenance- free printers that have a fast print speed of 200mm/ sec with 203 dpi resolution. All SK-21 models will intergrate with many commonly used kiosk solutions. It provides high speed, reliability, and will integrate in your kiosk seamlessly.

2. Barcode Scanner- Movie theaters often offer their own loyalty program to keep the customers returning back.  Your customers love freebies and accruing points towards free movie tickets, so don’t keep them waiting on the full service line to rack up the points.

3. Integrated Speakers- Talk to the customer through the ticket buying process. This is important for those who aren’t familiar with the self-service kiosks check out.

4. Card Payment Acceptance- Not everyone carries cash, so make sure that your kiosk is equipped with a card reader and payment processing platform.

Check out the video below on a successful self service kiosk integration at Nitehawk Cinema.

For any questions or a quote on any of your printing needs contact us at Barcodes, Inc.

Filed under: Barcode Fun,BarcodesInc,Case Studies,New Products,Solutions
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