Star’s WebPRNT Browser Now Available on the iTunes App Store and Google Play
Star has released its WebPRNT Browser to extend Star’s WebPRNT technology for web based receipt printing to customers using Star’s portable and desktop receipt printers in a mobile environment using Bluetooth connectivity.
Star’s WebPRNT Browser allows you to print receipts or data from a web browser-based application running on a mobile device to a Star Bluetooth printer wirelessly. To begin, configure Star’s WebPRNT Browser to open the desired web-based application which supports WebPRNT and print to the desired Bluetooth printer. Once configured, the user simply pairs their mobile device to a Star Bluetooth printer, opens the application on Star’s WebPRNT Browser and prints from the application. Easy to set up for both application developers and end users, Star’s WebPRNT Browser combines the utility of WebPRNT’s webbased receipt printing technology with the simplicity of Bluetooth connectivity.
Compatible WebPRNT capable printers include:
- Desktop Printers
- Mobile Printers
Star WebPRNT Browser will be offered in both a free version which includes a Star branded receipt as well as a premium version which allows for a fully customizable receipt. The premium version will have a one-time flat rate fee per download. Supporting all Star Bluetooth printers, Star WebPRNT Browser is available for iOS and Android operating systems.
For assistance finding the right Star printer for your mobile needs, contact us at BarcodesInc