The Falcon X3 Mobile Computer and Elf PDA Power Boosted with Upgraded Firmware
Firmware release v1.7 is now incorporated in the Falcon X3 mobile computer and Elf  PDA. This release is available for both Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 and CE6 models.
This release transitions Elf and Falcon X3 to the Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 brand (latest Microsoft version), ensuring application compatibility with Windows Mobile 6.5 solutions and sustainability expected ‘out of the box’ with device management and security capabilities.
CE6 v1.7 release, similarly provides the latest AKU (Microsoft Update) as well as the reliability and flexibility Datalogic customers expect from mobile computers.
Some of the Features and Benefits provided with this upgrade include:
– BT Hands-Free and Personal Area Network Profiles to support mobility applications outside the four walls.
– Wavelink Avalanche update enabling cloud support
– Microsoft VoIP stack included in CE to support custom VoIP/PTT solutions
– Elf Windows Embedded Handheld adds power management & charging improvements
– Datalogic SDK Enhancements
– Added flexibility and control over scanner and scanned data
– New suite of SDK sample applications for ease of leveraging new technology in customer apps
– Compatibility Layer
– Application portability for ease of upgrading legacy customers to Falcon X3 and Elf from Memor, Kyman and Skorpio.