WebPRNT Now Available for the Star TSP650ii
Keeping up with the emergence of the omnichannel business model and growing customer demand for mobility, businesses are turning to web-based applications as a cost effective way to stay agile. Web-based services are being more commonplace in point of sale as businesses streamline their operations and create mobile friendly environments for their customers.
To support customers using web-based point of sale applications, Star Micronics delivers WebPRNT, an innovative technology enabling device-agnostic receipt printing technology that supports HTTP requests used in web-based applications.
WebPRNT is currently available with Star’s TSP650II thermal receipt printer which is equipped with Ethernet connectivity. Easy to read, maintain and modify for developers; simply use the appropriate XML tags or integrate Star’s WebPRNT Javascript library into your web-based application to begin printing from your application to Star’s TSP650II WebPRNT thermal receipt printer.
In addition to web-based applications, Star’s WebPRNT also supports HTTP requests from native applications.
Ease of Use
WebPRNT eliminates the need to install drivers or download software. WebPRNT enables printing from any local device hosting a web-based or native application to Star’s TSP650II WebPRNT thermal receipt printer.
Low Equipment Cost
Competitively priced, WebPRNT enables printing from any application compatible with all operating platforms without the need for expensive multi-platform development costs.
Simply integrate WebPRNT by sending easy to understand and maintain XML tags from your application or, if you are creating a web based application, use WebPRNT’s ready-made Javascript library, which can format and send the receipt data via a simple to use API. WebPRNT hosts an HTTP server that can accept HTTP requests enabling printing from a web-based or native application on any device or platform
For further assistance finding the right Star printer for your application, contact us at Barcodes Inc.