What are the benefits of real-time information in small inventory environments?

Posted April 14, 2010

Inventory advice for small to medium businesses from Will Daniel, COO IntelliTrack.

I don’t know about you but I operate in a real time world. My home office is a virtual location over 3000 miles from IntelliTrack Headquarters. My phone is an IP (Internet Protocol) connection that allows instant global communication. My Blu-ray player and television are wirelessly connected to our home network hub. Forbid we should even discuss the communications capabilities of our cellular devices. In short, like me and you, more and more of us are living in a world of real-time access to information where the deterrent of human intervention has been removed. So why as our personal lives become ever more assisted and dependent upon instant access to information, do we continue to shortcut our business needs and processes with antiquated batch data collection programs and processes?

The old argument was “COST”. That is simply not true anymore. Wireless and wireless-enabled devices are a commodity. The price differential between a wireless portable data collector and a batch data collection device can be measured in less than a couple hundred dollars. Wireless access points and infrastructure particularly for smaller environments are similarly priced and ever more affordable.

Did you know that unlike our direct competition 90% of IntelliTrack DMS and WMS products are Real-Time enabled right Out-Of-the-Box (OOB)? We are the only company at our price point to offer you the choice between batch processing and wireless real time processing with the advanced feature set to support your small inventory management needs providing significant benefits over any similar Out-of-Box product.

Wireless applications provide:

    • Instant Report Updates
    • Live to-the-minute updates of Inventory and Assets
    • User Accountability in Real Time
    • Reduced time on the floor
    • Freedom to do a day’s work without the worry of data collision with other employees or the need to wait for BOB to plug in the hardware, update the database, then you having to update your handheld so you can do your task management.
        • Improved efficiency
        • Improved ROI
        • Reduced labor cost

This is a great time to invest in the latest technology that allows you to solve your inventory problems and keep cost down.

DMS Inventory: Simple Inventory at a value-added price point. Take a snapshot of your Inventory and compare it to what you think you have. Reconcile inventory and create reorder points.

DMS Stockroom: Conduct full physical inventory, receive and issue material to internal users, Track costs and consumption.

DMS Check In-Out: Manage circular assets like servers and laptops, books or tools, beach balls or pogo sticks, uniforms or fire hoses. Anything that needs checked in, checked out, reserved or maintained. Check in check out is a perfect solution for your circular asset tracking.

DMS Fixed Assets: Track and depreciate assets. Identify users and allocated assets. Know where things are or where they are not supposed to be.

DMS Package Track: Receive and Identify packages, collect signatures and verify delivery. (Wireless restrictions apply for Package Track)

To summarize, these barcode based software systems allow customers to see available on hand inventory, compare minimum and maximum levels of inventory, control inventory levels, establish reorder points and produce reports using real time data. They reduce loss and limit human error. Small or large, any business can reduce operating costs by using this technology over paper and now batch portable devices.

That! Is the way to get inventory and asset management right!

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