Where Are the Hidden Costs in your Distribution Center?
Managers are seeking to improve operational efficiency by gaining back mere seconds from each workflow to improve overall time and cost savings. Having workers take fewer steps, eliminating battery changes mid-shift, or using one mobile device for multiple purposes are all areas managers identified as key components to increase efficiency.
It is found that mis-pick is an ongoing issue within the workplace and one that could be avoided through an increase in visibility with new technology and processes. Most companies agrees that multi functional devices are critical and ensure workers can be more flexible and do more things to improve overall distribution center performance. When it comes to decisions around implementing new processes and technology, it is clear that unless action is taken these are the operations that could find themselves lagging behind. Barcodes understands this and has hands-on expertise partnering with Honeywell to improve workflow performance and unlock bottlenecks and inefficiencies to accelerate the flow of business- critical information across the supply chain. Contact us if you have any questions or looking for a place to start reviewing your technology infrastructure to claim back the minutes and seconds to recover the hidden costs in your distribution center.