Zebra’s WiNG Smart RF Wireless Networking
WiNG (Wireless Infrastructure Next Generation) is at the heart of every Zebra wireless LAN and distributes intelligence to every access point and controller– so every Access Point (AP) can act as the virtual controller if necessary. SMART RF (Self Monitoring At Run Time) is built into the WiNG architecture found in all of Zebra’s access points and controllers making it easy to find the right hardware to meet your needs.
By automating many routine network tasks, it saves businesses time and resources – there’s no need for dedicated IT staff to manage the network. It’s like having an in-built RF engineer – the network tests and calibrates itself, reports problems and fixes faults before anyone is aware of them.
Organizations both large and small are increasingly dependent on mobile workers. In turn, those mobile workers rely on wireless networks. Problem is, planning and deploying wireless networks is difficult and time-consuming. And as new users and applications are added, managing and operating a wireless network becomes increasingly difficult.
With technologies such as SMART RF, Zebra reduces the burden.
- Simplify the installation and management of your customers’ networks
- Offer innovative technologies at a competitive price
- Build your business on growing demand in this vibrant sector
Imagine a typical retail application, with a chain of stores. They can offer shoppers and their own staff access to wireless services on the same network – but they need to be sure the network is operating at peak efficiency before the stores open their doors at 9.00am.
- SMART RF runs a test on the network at 08.30
- Five of the six stores are fine – one has a network problem SMART RF automatically reconfigures the network for optimal performance.
- Problem solved, with no need for costly human intervention.
- Makes automatic adjustments so that there’s no loss of service, even if an access point fails
- Dynamically selects channels and power levels to eliminate gaps in coverage
- Increases capacity in dense areas, automatically self-tuning the network; that could be important for your retail customer during seasonal sales or events.
Zebra’s WiNG capabilities are available in their full wireless catalog:
Access Points
Wireless Controllers
Network Switches