
rf IDEAS C-6200AKE Accessory

rf IDEAS  -  RF IDeas C-6200AKE Network Cable Adapter - Network Cable - DB-9 Male Serial - RJ-45 Female Network
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rf IDEAS Parts Accessory Model Overview
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rf IDEAS C-6200AKE Accessory Overview

The Serial-to-Ethernet Converter is designed to attach to any RF IDeas RS-232 prox/contactless reader or Wiegand converter and provide for attachment to a RJ45 Ethernet connection. The converter comes with software that includes a redirector. This redirector takes the Ethernet address (static or dynamic) and redirects the traffic to a virtual COM port on a Windows PC.

Technical Information
Connector on First End:
1 x 9-pin DB-9 Male Serial
Connector on Second End:
1 x RJ-45 Female Network
Item Numbers
UNSPSC: 26121609
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The rf IDEAS C-6200AKE Accessory is also known as C-6200AKE

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