
rf IDEAS OEM-W2RS232-V3M Spare Parts

rf IDEAS Weigand Devices and Converters  -  Spare Parts, rf IDEAS Weigand Devices and Converters, Wiegand to RS-232 Serial Converter, With o Relay
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rf IDEAS Wiegand Converter Products Model Overview
RF-IDeas Wiegand Converter integrates all standard Wiegand based reader technologies into other applications. The Converter has multiple uses. As a pcProx card data converter, it translates all major Wiegand data outputs to USB, RS-232, RS-485 or TTL. The Wiegand Converter also provides the computer/terminal/PLC interface when using ID badges for more than door access. The converter output is sent to the USB port either as keystrokes or through a callable DLL for software developers. Selectable card information can be configured in the converter's flash memory using free software. Perfect for those requiring pcProx/AIR ID Enroll functionality, but require an outdoor reader with longer read range.
Weigand Devices and Converters
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The rf IDEAS OEM-W2RS232-V3M Spare Parts is also known as OEM-W2RS232-V3M

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