rf IDEAS pcProx Enroll Accessory Model Overview
RF-IDeas pcProx Enroll card readers are designed for customers seeking to leverage their existing card system for applications beyond physical security. Engineered to work with nearly all proximity technologies, pcProx readers provide error-free identification for over 300 million physical access proximity cards worldwide. Featuring plug-n-play functionality, no required software, and embedded configurable flash memory, the pcProx Enroll reader is ready to integrate with nearly all operating systems, applications, and embedded controllers. The USB model emulates a keyboard and keystrokes the card's ID and/or site code to the cursor's location on the screen. The pcProx Enroll reader can be configured to add keystrokes before and after the card's data. The serial version, available in RS-232, Ethernet, or USB Virtual Com, delivers the card's data in ASCII.
pcProx Enroll
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The rf IDEAS RDR-6081AKU-78X RFID Reader is also known as