rf IDEAS pcProx Playback RFID Reader Model Overview
The pcProx Playback interfaces contactless cards to existing applications and systems without the need to change or update these systems. There is no need to deploy software. The plug-and-play pcProx Playback reader delivers user data from the contactless card to the desired application or machine. Data may be written to the card using the pcProx Writer. In many cases, the Playback reader can be configured to read data already on the card. The reader is instantaneously configurable, allowing users to change the location being read on the contactless card. There is no need for pilot tests, training, software updates, technical support, licenses or the hassle of incompatibilities since no software is deployed. This multi-application reader delivers strong benefits to the user: easy plug-and-play, contactless operation, and cost savings.
pcProx Playback
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The rf IDEAS RDR-7585AKU-SL Access Control Reader is also known as