
rf IDEAS RDR-75W5AKU Access Control Reader

rf IDEAS WAVE ID Playback  -  Access Control Readers, rf IDEAS WAVE ID Playback, MIFARE Surface Mount Black USB Reader
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rf IDEAS WAVE ID Playback Access Control Reader Model Overview
The rf IDEAS WAVE ID Playback makes it simple to increase the value and cost of an existing badge or control system. This multi-application rf IDEAS solution connects contactless cards to current applications and systems without requiring the systems to be changed or updated. The rf IDEAS WAVE ID Playback is simple to set up and requires no upgrades, software modifications, pilot testing, or training. Users may alter the locations being read on the contactless card without worrying about incompatibility concerns or needing technical help. WAVE ID Playback may also be set up to read data from the card and write it to the card using the WAVE ID Writer.
WAVE ID Playback
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The rf IDEAS RDR-75W5AKU Access Control Reader is also known as RDR-75W5AKU

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