
rf IDEAS RDR-800N1BK0 Access Control Reader

rf IDEAS Wave ID Plus  -  Access Control Card Reader, rf IDEAS Wave ID Plus, V2 Keystroke Enroll w/ iCLASS SE, Non-Housed USB Virtual COM Reader
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rf IDEAS WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount Access Control Reader Model Overview
The RF-Ideas WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount readers maximize the value of new and existing ID badges by providing simultaneous processing of contactless and proximity smart cards. The WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount dual-frequency card reader performs at the highest technical standards while serving diverse applications with our signature ease of use. Also available in an SDK compatible model, the WAVE ID Plus Surface Mount can integrate into most software or hardware through the use of the rf IDEAS Universal Software Developer?s Kit (SDK).
Wave ID Plus
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The rf IDEAS RDR-800N1BK0 Access Control Reader is also known as RDR-800N1BK0

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