
rf IDEAS RDR-80531BKU Access Control Reader

rf IDEAS Wave ID Plus Mini - Access Control Reader, RF-Ideas Wave ID Plus Mini, Keystroke, Black, USB Reader. Card Technology: HID Prox, AWID, CASI-RUSCO, EM 410x, NFC Type 3 CSN (Felica), Honeywell Nexwatch, Indala, Kantech ioProx, HID iCLASS CSN, ISO 14443A CSN, ISO 15693 CSN, MIFARE Ultralight CSN, LEGIC Advant CSN (ISO 15693 14443A), aptiQ MIFARE CSN, Bosch ReadyKey Pro UID, Cardax UID, CDVI, CEPAS CAN, Corbin Russwin UID, Cotag, DIGITAG, Dimpna UID, Farpointe Data Pyramid, Farpointe Data Pyramid UID, GProx-II ID, GProx-II UID, HiTag 1 CSN, HiTag 2 CSN, HiTag S CSN, ID Teck (128 Bits), ID Teck UID, Infineon my-d CSN, ISONAS, I-tag CSN, Keri KC-10x UID, Keri KC-26x, Keri NXT UID, NEDAP Prox, NFC Type 1 CSN (Topaz), NFC Type 2 CSN, NFC Type 4 CSN, NXP ICODE SLI CSN, Oyster CSN, Paradox, Postech, RF Logics UID, Rosslare, SecuraKey e*tag CSN, SecuraKey-02 Radio Key, TechnoGym (Key Fob) CSN, Urmet, XceedID MIFARE CSN, Sony FeliCa CSN
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rf IDEAS Wave ID Plus Mini Access Control Reader Model Overview
The Wave ID Plus Mini from rf IDEAS is the next generation in the access control readers of Wave ID family. The Wave ID Plus Mini is the smallest of the bunch but still the most capable desktop reader allowing it to work with nearly every proximity and contactless smart card worldwide thanks to its dual-frequency reader technology. With support up to four simultaneous card configurations, the Wave ID Plus Mini is also flexible for your needs in the workplace. The ability to emulate keystrokes and integrate with most software or hardware solutions with the SDK-compatible models makes the Wave ID Plus Mini the most powerful access control reader that you can rely on.
Wave ID Plus Mini
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The rf IDEAS RDR-80531BKU Access Control Reader is also known as RDR-80531BKU

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