
rf IDEAS RDR-805H2AKU Access Control Reader

The rf IDEAS RDR-805H2AKU Access Control Reader has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
rf IDEAS pcProx Plus SP - pcProx Plus SP Non-Keystroking Black USB
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rf IDEAS pcProx Plus SP Access Control Reader Model Overview
The pcProx Plus SP comes in a small, thin form factor that enables various embedded and integrated applications. This Dual-frequency reader provides the advantages of reading both proximity and contactless smart cards in one reader. Its SIM card slot for optional expansion with additional secure card types makes the pcProx Plus SP versatile, scalable and a future proof investment.
pcProx Plus SP
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The rf IDEAS RDR-805H2AKU Access Control Reader is also known as RDR-805H2AKU

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