
RJS Inspector D4000 CR2 Laser Barcode Verifier

RJS Inspector D4000 CR2 Laser  -  The RJS Inspector Model D4000 CR2 Laser Scanner is a versatile and cost-effective barcode verifier. It provides a Point-and-Shoot Traditional Method that also includes the ISO 15416 and ANSI X3.182 Decodability parameter grade. Store and print capability, multiple scan averaging, and subsymbology choices are easily accessed through a simple four-button user interface. Flexibility means that it can scan bidirectionally, and auto-discriminates between all popular symbologies. Barcode analysis information appears immediately on the large color LCD, and a distinct audible tone and Pass/Fail screen indicate whether a barcode is in or out of specification.
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RJS Inspector D4000 CR2 Laser Barcode Verifier Options

  • RJS 002-7859 Barcode Scanner
    RJS 002-7859 Barcode Scanner
    RJS Inspector D4000 CR2 Laser Scanner, D4000/L1000. NOT entire bar code verifier. Replacement part or add-on only which REQUIRES customer already has (Part# 002-7850) or (Part# 002-7851) or (Part# 002-7845).
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  • RJS 002-7851 Barcode Verifier
    RJS 002-7851 Barcode Verifier
    Inspector D4000 Portable Barcode Verifier with Laser Scanner - Worldwide. Ideal for customers who want point and shoot and accept PARTIAL ISO/ANSI barcode quality testing worldwide. Report printer (P/N 002-9018) sold separately.
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