
RJS 002-7847 Barcode Scanner

RJS Inspector D4000 Auto Optic and Laser  -  Combo (3, 5, 10, 20 mil and Laser) - European version. Ideal for high volume production environment when full ISO/ANSI and partial spot testing barcode quality testing.
Scanner Capability
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RJS Inspector D4000 Auto Optic and Laser Barcode Verifier Model Overview
This easy-to-use unit is a true single unit solution, offering one-handed operation and support of all popular linear symbologies. The RJS Inspector D4000SP also offers store and print capability, multiple scan averaging, and sub-symbology choices - all easily accessible through a simple four-button user interface.
RJS 002-7847 Barcode Scanner Overview

The Model D4000 Provides the Two Most Popular Types of Verification: ANSI/ISO Method and/or Point-and-Shoot Traditional Method. This unique portable bar code verifier can interface with either the patented RJS Auto-Optic scan head or a laser scanner to provide nine different optic configurations. The scanners are easily installed by the user, which makes the unit quickly adaptable to practically any verification requirement.

Product Information
Light Source:
Scan Pattern:
Additional Information:
  • Laser or ANSI/ISO mode set by scanner type installed
  • Easy point and shoot
  • Auto-discrimination between symbologies
  • Store and Print capability
  • Bi-directional scanning
  • Multiple scan averaging
Item Numbers
UNSPSC: 43211701
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The RJS 002-7847 Barcode Scanner is also known as RJS-D4000

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