Star mC-Print3 Accessory
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Star mC-Print3 Accessory Options
Star 37968410 Mounting Hardware and StandsStand, Star, Blank Branding Plate, Black. NCNR. Also Known As: mUnite B-PLATE BLKIn Stock$35.82
Star 37968420 Mounting Hardware and StandsStand, Star, Blank Branding Plate, White. NCNR. Also Known As: mUnite B-PLATE WHTIn Stock$35.82
Star 37968570 Mounting Hardware and StandsStand, Star, Auxiliary Display Mounting Bracket, White. NCNR. Also Known As: mUnite AUX DSPY MNT WHTIn Stock$40.71
Star 37968560 Mounting Hardware and StandsStand, Star, Auxiliary Display Mounting Bracket, Black. NCNR. Also Known As: mUnite AUX DSPY MNT BLKIn Stock$40.71
Star 39590150 Mounting Hardware and StandsMount, Star, Wall Mount Bracket. Compatible with mCP30. NCNR. Also Known As: WB-MC30In Stock$77.32
Star 30907200 Motorola AntennasAntennas, Star, WLAN Module. Compatible with: mC-Print3, mC-Print2, TSP143IVIn Stock$148.38
Star 37968100 Mounting Hardware and StandsStand, Star, White. Compatible with mCP3. NCNR. Also Known As: mUnite-3 WHTIn Stock$664.23
Star 37967830 Mounting Hardware and StandsStand, Star, Black. Compatible with mCP3. NCNR. Also Known As: mUnite-3 BLKIn Stock$664.23
Star 39594010 AccessoryBuzzer, Star, Programmable Buzzer and Visual Alarm. Compatible with mC-Print. NCNR
Star 39990020 Customer DisplayCustomer Displays, Star SCD222U, White, LCD, Desktop Display, USB, 2-Line x 20-Character, Compatible with mPOP
Star 39990030 Customer DisplayCustomer Displays, Star SCD222U, Black, LCD, Desktop Display, USB, 2-Line x 20-Character, Compatible with mPOP