
Symbol LS 3478 FZ Barcode Scanner

Zebra LI3678-SR Barcode Scanner A newer version of this item is available.
It is replaced by the Zebra LI3678-SR Barcode Scanner.
Wireless scanning of damaged bar${kw_space}codes Symbol LS 3478 FZ - Symbol's rugged LS 3478 FZ cordless scanner provides fuzzy logic technology so you're able to rapidly and accurately read the often damaged, dirty and poorly printed one-dimensional (1D) barcodes found in your industrial environment. The LS 3478 FZ features rugged construction, an IP 65 rated seal to keep out dust and water, and a comfortable hand grip that won't leave users tired. These features plus Symbol's dependable performance make the LS 3478 FZ a perfect choice for any warehouse, industrial or stockroom application.
Full specifications (PDF)
Discontinued See Replacement
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