The Industry's first EMV Level 3 Certified Tablet
Our latest generation Quest Tablet, the Quest III, is EMV Level 3 Certified. The Quest III tablet is tested and proven to work with each card brand, providing another layer of protection and ensuring you can securely accept all of your customers' preferred payment methods.
Ultra-Low Power Consumption and Extended Battery Life
Because the Intel™ Atom™ Cherry Trail Processor offers ultra-low power consumption and extended battery life when in continuous operation, there's no need for staff to worry about locating a charging dock halfway through their shift.
More Storage, More Memory
The Quest III rugged POS tablet comes standard with 64 GB of storage and 4 GB of memory. Packed with power, speed, and space, the Quest III is prepared to handle the memory-heavy point of sale applications you use to run your business.
Windows and Android Compatible POS Tablet
Compatible with both Android and Windows operating systems, you can select the OS that is best suited to your environment and applications.
Available with a Variety of Accessories
The Quest series comes complete with a variety of accessories that make it a truly versatile solution within the POS market. The Premium and Premium Plus Docks turn the tablet into a fixed-base unit. Adding the Vise Grip will keep your tablet safe and secure from damage. An optional integrated Augusta Reader is Level 3 Certified with the 10 inch tablet and offers encrypted processing capabilities with multiple processors, enabling the Quest 10 inch tablet to process credit, gift, and loyalty cards. Several holster options, a Printer Base with the Epson TM-m30 printer, and charging stations with up to 16 charging docks, rounds out the options found on the tablet accessories flyer that is downloadable below.
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