
Unitech EA630HC Mobile Computer

Medical Clinical Assistant. Unitech EA630HC  -  Unitech's EA630HC is a compact device equipped with useful features to power the toughest data collection tasks. The Unitech EA630 HC rugged smartphone was developed for healthcare environments following strict hygienic regulations. Unitech's EA630HC is built with a high-performance 1D/2D barcode scanner and operates with gloves and wet fingers, increasing efficiency and patient safety for seamless point of care.
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Unitech EA630HC Mobile Computer Options

  • Unitech EA630-QALF9MDG Mobile Computer
    Unitech EA630-QALF9MDG Mobile Computer
    Mobile Computer, Unitech EA630HC, Android 9, GMS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LTE (4G), WWAN, Standard Range, 2D Imager, 3 GB RAM, 32 GB Flash, IP65, Phone-size, On-Screen Touch, Battery, USB-C, Power Adapter
    In Stock
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