
Webscan TC-851 Barcode Verifier

The Webscan TC-851 Barcode Verifier has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
Webscan TruCheck Laser USB  -  As with all of our handheld lasers, you have the ability to verify 3D objects as well as flat printed labels. 20mil lasers are used for codes that are larger than 25mil, such as ITF 14 barcode, typically seen on corrugated materials.
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Webscan TruCheck Laser USB Barcode Verifier Model Overview
TruCheck Laser USB is the new affordable, PC-based barcode verifier that truly takes barcode verification to an entirely new level of ease of use. By combining an incredibly easy-to-use Windows user interface with an automatic scanning head, Webscan has created an unbeatable solution for ISO / ANSI / CEN grading. TruCheck Laser USB verifies all common linear barcodes with the touch of a button, including the new multi-row stacked barcodes.
TruCheck Laser USB
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