
Zebra PalletTransport1500 Mobile Robotics

Zebra PalletTransport1500  -  Automating pallet transport reduces traffic and incidents and creates a less congested warehouse or manufacturing environment. With the PalletTransport1500 and Pallet Transfer Station, you can reduce dependency on forklifts and lift trucks, increasing safety while minimizing training time and cost. Ideal for workflows like kitting, zone picking, and pallet building, using the PT1500 you can move multi-sized pallets with payloads of up to 2500lbs around your dynamic facility with ease.
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Zebra PalletTransport1500 Mobile Robotics Options

  • Zebra BCI-Robotics-Solution Mobile Robotics
    Zebra BCI-Robotics-Solution Mobile Robotics
    To implement effective robotics solutions quickly and confidently, contact Barcodes, Inc. for a quote. We have proven experience and direct access to AMR manufacturers, suppliers, and engineers. And long after implementation, you can count on us for 24/7 service and support.
    Please Call for Pricing or to Purchase