
Zebra 10026461 Barcode Label

The Zebra 10026461 Barcode Label has been discontinued.
No direct replacement is available.
Please contact us for a suitable substitute.
Zebra  -  RFID Labels, Zebra Z-Perform 1500T, Advanced, 4" x 2" (101.6mm x 50.8mm), Thermal Transfer, Permanent Adhesive, Not Perforated, DogBone Inlay, 3" Core, 8" OD. 2000 Labels/Roll, 1 Roll Per Case, Priced Per Case. Compatible With RXi4/ZT400R/ZT600/ZE500R.
  • Ideal for long-life label applications
  • Comes in rectangle shape to better meet your needs
  • Made with a high quality Paper
  • Compatible with thermal transfer printer
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Zebra 10026461 Barcode Label Overview
Zebra's Advanced RFID labels provide a higher level of read performance than our General Purpose RFID labels in similar applications. Typical applications include labeling of cases, pallets, products and healthcare specimens where longer read ranges are required. Zebra's RFID labels have been tested and optimized to work with Zebra's RFID printers and readers. Due to the many variables that can affect read range, we recommend testing in your environment to determine which label works best in your situation.
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The Zebra 10026461 Barcode Label is also known as ZEB-10026461