
Zebra RFD5500 RFID Reader

Zebra RFD8500 RFID Reader A newer version of this item is available.
It is replaced by the Zebra RFD8500 RFID Reader.
Superior RFID performance Zebra RFD5500 - The RFD5500 UHF RFID Sled brings industry-leading RFID technology to your MC55, MC65 or MC67 mobile computers. This versatile accessory makes these mobile computers state-of-the-art handheld RFID readers that are at home in the storefront, carpeted business areas, best suited for indoor applications. With its light weight, rugged design and well-balanced, gun-style grip, the RFD5500 is suited to the most read-intensive applications. And the advanced, high efficiency Zebra RFID reader engine gives you fast read rates, high throughput – and improved productivity in your operation.
Full specifications (PDF)
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