
Zebra Z-Band Ultrasoft Extended Stay Wristbands

Zebra Z-Band Ultrasoft Extended Stay  -  Imagine a wristband that sets the standard in healthcare for comfort, durability, and patient safety. Meet the Z-Band UltraSoft Extended Stay Wristband - the premier choice for extended patient identification. Built for demanding healthcare environments, this wristband is engineered to be twice as durable as standard options, ensuring that patients in long-term care can be securely identified without the need for frequent replacements.
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Zebra Z-Band Ultrasoft Extended Stay Wristbands Options

  • Zebra 10043009K Wristbands
    Zebra 10043009K Wristbands
    Wristbands, Zebra, Synthetic, 1"x11" (25.4x279.4mm), Direct Thermal, Coated, 1" (25.4mm) Core, Printed, 175 Wristbands/Cartridge, 6 Cartridges/Case
    In Stock
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